Coin Tossing

Coin Tossing
Coin-tossing is the easy way to settle scores. There are more complex and more painful ways that adults employ when things go wrong. Some of these even end in death, (homicide or suicide). Quite painful outcomes. When relationships go sour, everyone suffers. Even the friends and family of both parties are usually recruited to take sides, or face everlasting wrath. The children, perhaps, suffer the most, as they are forced to stay in unwelcome war zones in their own homes. Battle grounds are drawn, and the children's heart torn into several shreds, as they become the prized possession of the stronger voice, or heavier hand. The courts are not allowed to stand aloof either. Women run to court to seek "vengeance", and quickly resort to theatricals to butress their point. The poor Judge must fall to the side of the woman, being the "weaker sex". There is shock for the man as he is told he must not return to his home, and must request the presence of the police in order to remove his personal effects. While this is acceptable in the cases of abuse, some women in Europe have now seen this as a way to "tame" their spouses.
Coin Tossing
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